Quick Guide
1. When you first enter the login page, go to the registration page by clicking on the link to register as a new user.
2. On the "Register a new account"* page, fill in the required details and pay attention to the following highlights:
-The email address is used to identify the user in the system and cannot be changed during the entire period of use of the app;
-After completing the registration process, you can assign several users the role of "administrator" to allow full access to the app.
3. After filling in the details and marking "V" to confirm acceptance of the
terms of use and restrictions, click the "Register" button.
4. The email address you entered will receive a message with a link to the password reset page, where you can set a login password.
Adding the icon of the app to the main screen of your smartphone
Tap the menu icon (3 dots in the upper right-hand corner) and tap Add to Home screen
Choose a name for the website shortcut, then Chrome will add it to your home screen
Tap the Share button at the bottom of the page. It looks like a square with an arrow pointing out of the top
In the list of options that appear, scroll down until you see Add to Home Screen. Tap this. The Add to Home Screen dialog box will appear
Choose a name for the website shortcut on your home screen. You'll see the link so you can confirm it, as well as the site's favicon that will appear as the "app" icon on your home screen. Click Add when you're done. Safari will close automatically and you will be taken to where the icon is located on your iPhone’s or iPad's home screen
Filling out a service report
1. It is recommended to open a new report at the beginning of the work -
this way you can add initial details and media* and save them by clicking the "Save" button.
2. Enter all necessary data into your report. Notice, all fields that are marked with " * " are required. If there's no data to be entered you can enter an " - ".
3. The field "Internal comments" is intended for your notes or comments only and won't be seen by the client in his document.
4. At the end of filling out the report, there are 3 options:
- Save (Save data entered into fields for future editing);
- Save & Sign (You will be transferred to the screen of Signature - in case the representative is on the spot to sign);
-Save & Send (If the representative is not available, the document will be sent to him, and after he signs it both of you will receive a signed document in PDF).
If several company representatives are defined in the app, you can choose in the report who will sign and who will receive the signed copy of document.
In the case of sending the report by e-mail - there is still the possibility of making changes to the report or deleting it before it is signed.
3. After the client has signed the document, and the app user and the client have received signed documents the report cannot be changed or deleted from the list in the archive!
*Not currently active
The Archive
This is where your list of documents is saved. The documents are saved in the system in the form of the software code and not as prepared documents for security reasons. Therefore, the reports in the list appear not in PDF form, but in the form of a template similar to the filling template.
For your convenience, we have added a document status page (saved, sent, or signed) and an actions page for editing, saving, etc. "Invoice" status
indicates that an invoice has been issued for the report.
1. There are 3 types of users:
• Administrator
• Technician
• Subcontractor
Administrator - full access to all options (filling out reports, creating/deleting users, customers, etc.). The administrator's account can be deleted only if there is another administrator defined in the system. Deleting a single administrator in the company is done by a 4All Soft network administrator with a request from the application administrator to the e-mail address info@4allsoft.com
This causes the account to be completely deleted!
Technician - full access to the company's list of reports and media. No permissions to create/edit/delete users/clients.
Subcontractor - access to the reports that were created by him only. No access to media. No permissions to create/edit/delete users/clients. Works with a separate list of clients*.
To define a technician or subcontractor, you must create an original e-mail box (for example: avi.subcontractor1@gmail.com) that will be intended only for application use. This way, the same person will be able to access the system in different roles: a user that is defined as an Administrator/technician/contractor in one company can be an Administrator/technician/contractor in any other company.
*Not currently active
The customer list includes basic customer information. The editing option
allows the addition of the representatives of the client company who sign or receive copies of the signed documents according to the choice of the person filling out the service report. There can be several representatives for each client so you can choose in a report the one who will sign and who will receive the signed copy of the document.
Company details
On this page, you can upload a file containing the header of your document. If it does not exist, you can contact us at the address info@4allsoft.com. We will be happy to help you create the title.